vieram sem grandes planos
para estar connosco
e principalmente
para estarem na graduation da #1
they came with not many plans
only to be with us
but most of all
to be present for #1 graduation
mas Assis
tinha que ser visitado
but Assisi
had to be seen
e já agora
a caminhada
"Race for the Cure"
and the "Race for the Cure"
was calling us
que acabou com um excelente almoço
numa mesa cheia de portugueses
e uma bifa de França
que estava de visita
and finished with a
spectacular portuguese lunch
with one frenchie
that came for a visit too
e uma bifa de França
que estava de visita
and finished with a
spectacular portuguese lunch
with one frenchie
that came for a visit too
apoiamos a #4
no torneio
de futebol inter escolas
we gave #4 our support
on the soccer tournament
we gave #4 our support
on the soccer tournament
como são a única equipa feminina
jogaram entre elas
a taça ficou em casa!!
and being the only girl team
around here
they were all winners!
provámos sabores internacionais
e demos a provar
doce de ovos.
o meu forte mesmo
é a decoração
modéstia à parte
a mesa mais colorida
we tasted international flavours
and they tasted
and "doce de ovos"
but my strength is in the decoration
it was by far
the more colourful table
as rosas estavam em flor
e lindas
tivemos que ir cheirar
it was the month of the roses
poetic smells in our senses
we had to go and see it
it was the month of the roses
poetic smells in our senses
we had to go and see it

e constatamos todos que Maio
é mesmo o mês preferido das visitas.
amigas e respectivos pais!
and we all realised
that May is parents month
they all came to visit Rome
and we all realised
that May is parents month
they all came to visit Rome
mesmo perto do Circo Massimo
com vista sobre la bella Roma
rose garden
very close to Circo Massimo
with a glorious view
La bella Roma
very close to Circo Massimo
with a glorious view
La bella Roma
o único caso em que espreitar
pelo buraco da fechadura
não é feio
antes pelo contrario!
Cavaleiros de Malta
it's not pretty to be noisy
and checking someone else's keyhole
but this one
you have too
Cavalieiri di Malta
descemos lá a baixo
e agradecemos os casacos vestidos
we went down under
miles and miles in the dark
it was cold
assistimos à cerimonia de entrada da #3
na National Junior Honor Society
#3 was invited to be a member
of the National Junior Honor Society
na National Junior Honor Society
#3 was invited to be a member
of the National Junior Honor Society
com muito orgulho
e mais uma vez
foi muito merecido
such a proud moment
I was in tears
she deserved it
e visitamos a Galeria Borghese
rica em Bernini's e Borromini's
e muitos outros!
Daphne e Apollo
and we went inside Galeria Borghese
full of Bernini's and Borromini's
and so many more
Daphne e Apollo
vejo que fizemos muito
acho que não falta nada
a ajuda na cozinha
não está documentada
mas não a esqueço eu
we did a lot after all
the help in the kitchen
has no photos
but is something that
Im always very grateful
and I will never forget!
boa semana
good week to you